APS Student Handbook Links
Report an Absence:
Main Campus: (505) 243-2395
Western Trails Campus: (505) 831-0302
Please report your student absences by 8:15 am by calling the attendance line.
If a student is absent, it is their responsibility to talk to their teacher to find out what they missed.
It is essential for students to attend school daily in order to acquire the knowledge, skills, and confidence needed to become college and career ready. Regular student participation in daily classroom activities plays a significant role in student’s school success. Students are expected to attend school regularly and on time. District policy and state law require daily school attendance for those between the ages of 5 and 18, or until graduation from high school.
Students who come to school after the tardy bell has rung are missing important learning opportunities and are a disruption to the learning process for other students.
- Students who come late to school will need to check in at the front office.
- Students who miss more than 50% of a class period will be counted as absent for that class period.
- Schools may provide additional supports to discourage tardiness and encourage on-time attendance.
Cell Phones
Disruptive conduct and/or defiance are defined as any behavior or conduct that may disrupt or interfere with the operation of schools, including individual classes. The use of cell phones during instructional time and the misuse of cell forms or other technology are examples of disruptive conduct. Misuse of these devices during instructional time will not be tolerated.
Note: It is the responsibility of the parent/legal guardian of the student to retrieve confiscated cell phones or other electronic devices according to the school procedures. The school may keep items for extended periods of time for repeat offenses.
Dress Code
Student dress and grooming is to reflect high standards of personal conduct so that each student’s attire promotes a positive, safe and healthy atmosphere within the school.
Schools may customize their individual dress codes to address the needs and standards of their communities and neighborhoods through use of a process that ensures input from students, parents, faculty and staff of the school, and other interested community members.
Some schools have adopted student dress policies in addition to the regular dress code. Students and their parents/guardians have the responsibility to be aware of the school-specific dress codes and must conform to those requirements.
The responsibility to interpret and enforce the dress code policy rests with each school principal.
It is not safe to drop children off more than 15 minutes before school or to leave them more than 15 minutes after the school day ends.
- Parents must not leave their children on a school campus longer than fifteen (15) minutes either before or after the school day.
- School grounds are not supervised except during the school day.
- If extenuating circumstances prevent a family from picking up a student on time, the school must be notified within fifteen minutes of the end of the school day.
If students are repeatedly left on campus outside of the school day hours, an administrator will attempt to contact the family to discuss and resolve the problem.
- If your child is often on school grounds during unsupervised times school staff may provide parents/guardians with information on before and after school programs in the area.
- Schools are required to contact law enforcement if a child is left on school grounds during unsupervised times and the parent/guardian cannot be reached.
- APS schools will do their best to abide by parenting plans provided to them but are not responsible to enforce specific pick-up days.