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Student Life

We're proud of our active student life! Whether we're on a field trip, hiking, or volunteering at APS schools, we're always getting out and doing something positive for school and our community.

Call the front office to learn what we're up to next!

Assembly & Hope's Graduation Party

Assembly & Hope's Graduation Party

students on hiking trip

Hiking trip

Parent Night
Assembly & Hope's Graduation Party

Assembly & Hope's Graduation Party

Parent Night

Parent Night

Student Halloween Costumes!

Halloween Costumes!

Students sitting at a table outside with US flag

School on Wheels Magnet High School, staff, advisors, mentors, parents, and peers pledge to help you realize your full capacities, interests, and future goals.

Students at science fair

School on Wheels Magnet enrolls students from 15 to 18 years old. We enroll students throughout the school year, on a case-by-case basis.

Contact the school: (505) 243-2395